Summary of the story
Guard, Thunder, and Yian were transported back in time as a result of a confrontation with The Controller. During their journey, they experienced a crash-landing, which resulted in Guard sustaining severe injuries. Fortunately, Yian was rescued by a servant boy named Mureuk, who later became a bounty hunter. Mureuk, however, unwittingly became the new host of The Controller after encountering him.
Ten years later, Mureuk, now a student of magic, embarked on a quest to find the Heavenly Knife, a mystical weapon. Along the way, he met Yian, who had grown up and was also searching for the same knife to revive Thunder. The group encountered various individuals, including The Dual Mages, Dogturd, and The Monk Guru, who were all connected to the aliens' plan to return to their home planet.
The group engaged in a fierce battle with the aliens and eventually discovered that Mureuk was the host of The Controller. In the final showdown, Lee Ahn, Mureuk, The Dual Mages, and Yian fought against the aliens. Lee Ahn managed to lure one of the aliens away, while the other was defeated. It was then revealed that Mureuk had been the host of The Controller all along. The movie concluded with Lee Ahn successfully escaping her pursuer.