Summary of the story
Two years following the battle of Sokovia, Thor finds himself incarcerated by the fire demon Surtur. During his captivity, Surtur discloses that Thor's father, Odin, is no longer present in Asgard. Surtur further explains that the realm is on the brink of destruction due to the prophesied apocalypse Ragnarök, which will occur once Surtur unites his crown with the Eternal Flame that burns in Odin's vault. Thor manages to free himself, vanquish Surtur, and acquire his crown, believing that he has thwarted Ragnarök. Upon his return to Asgard, Thor discovers that Heimdall is absent and his estranged brother Loki is impersonating Odin. Thor compels Loki to assist him in locating their father.
With the guidance of Stephen Strange, they locate Odin in Norway. Odin reveals that he is dying, Ragnarök is imminent despite Thor's efforts, and his demise will liberate his firstborn child, Hela, from a long-standing imprisonment. Hela, an unknown sibling to Thor and Loki, was the commander of Asgard's armies and conquered the Nine Realms alongside Odin. However, Odin incarcerated her and erased her from history after she became excessively bloodthirsty and did not share his vision of peace.