Summary of the story
In the year 2563, three centuries after Earth was ravaged by a catastrophic conflict known as "The Fall", the esteemed scientist Dr. Dyson Ido made a remarkable discovery. While scavenging for parts in the vast scrapyard of Iron City, he stumbled upon a disembodied female cyborg with an intact human brain. Ido proceeded to attach a new cyborg body to the brain and bestowed upon her the name "Alita" in honor of his deceased daughter. However, Alita awoke with no recollection of her past and quickly formed a bond with Hugo, a young man who aspired to reside in the affluent sky city of Zalem. Additionally, she encountered Dr. Chiren, Ido's estranged ex-wife.
Subsequently, Hugo introduced Alita to Motorball, a sport akin to Rollerball that was played by cyborg gladiators. Unbeknownst to Alita, Hugo was surreptitiously stealing parts from cyborgs for Vector, the proprietor of the Motorball tournament and the de facto ruler of the Factory, which served as Iron City's governing authority. One fateful evening, Alita followed Ido and they were ambushed by a gang of cyborg serial killers led by Grewishka. In the heat of the moment, Alita instinctively employed "Panzer-Kunst", a lost combat art for machine bodies, and successfully defeated two of the cyborgs while also inflicting damage upon Grewishka, who subsequently retreated.
Ido then disclosed that he was a Hunter-Warrior, a bounty hunter employed by the Factory. Grewishka sought assistance from Dr. Chiren, who was working for Vector. Despite Alita's belief that fighting would aid in her quest to rediscover her past, Ido discouraged her from becoming a Hunter-Warrior. Alita later discovered a highly advanced cyborg body in a crashed spaceship outside the city. However, Ido refused to install Alita in the body upon recognizing that it belonged to a Berserker, the lethal shock troops of the enemy nation United Republic of Mars (URM) from the Fall, of which Alita was a member.