Summary of the story
A Chaos Pearl, which was born from primordial essences, has begun to greedily siphon energies. In response, Yuanshi Tianzun has dispatched his disciples Taiyi Zhenren and Shen Gongbao to subdue the sentient pearl. However, due to its ability to absorb energy, Taiyi and Shen are unable to gain the upper hand. Eventually, Tianzun intervenes and separates the pearl into two opposite components: the Spirit Pearl and the Demon Orb. Tianzun places a heavenly curse upon the Demon Orb, stating that it will be destroyed by a powerful lightning strike in three years' time. He then instructs Taiyi to take the Spirit Pearl to be reincarnated as the third son of Li Jing in the town of Chentangguan, to be named Ne Zha.
Shen, however, conspires to steal the Spirit Pearl and causes the Demon Orb to be placed on the ritual altar instead. This results in Li Jing's pregnant wife, Lady Yin, giving birth to a child, Ne Zha, whose demonic nature is apparent. Taiyi informs them that Ne Zha's fate is sealed, as the heavenly curse placed upon the Demonic Orb will kill him in three years' time. Li Jing travels to Heaven with Taiyi in an attempt to plead for Ne Zha's life, but is informed that the curse is irremovable.